How to turn your TV on and off using your Tbaytel Legacy remote

How to set up your remote to turn off both the TV and your Tbaytel Legacy set top box.

In order to use the Tbaytel Legacy remote to power your TV on and off, the remote's Power button needs to be locked.

The remote needs to be paired to the TV, the benefit of locking the power button on both the set top box and TV is one less button to use to power the TV/set top box on and off.


  1. Press and hold the Setup button until any mode button (the buttons at the top of the remote) blinks twice.
  2. Press and release the following sequence of buttons:
    • STB mode
    • Power
    • TV
    • Power
Tbaytel Legacy Remote Tbaytel Legacy Remote

The Legacy remote will be successfully paired to turn your TV on or off. After pairing, if your remote is not working for both the set top box and TV, you must manually press Power on one of the devices to get them back in sync.

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Updated on Tue, 27 Feb 2024 by Sean Otway

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