How to search for shows in the Program Guide on Tbaytel Legacy TV

Easily find your favourite shows, movies, actors or actresses, all within the Program Guide.

You can find shows you want to watch by entering of one the following into the Search Screen

  • Title of the program
  • The name of a person, such as an actor or director involved with the show

For example, if you enter the text John, the search results show programs starring actors named John (such as John Smith), and programs with John in the title (such as King John). You can also filter the results, showing only programs that exactly match a title or actor’s name.

Searching within the Guide

To search for a specific program:

  1. Press MENU. Select SEARCH and press OK.
  2. Use the ARROW buttons on your set top box remote control to highlight the first letter you are searching for and then press OK. Tbaytel Digital TV shows only those programs containing the letter you entered.
    1. Repeat Step 2, adding more letters to the search. As you add more letters, Tbaytel Digital TV narrows down the search results.
  3. To enter a number, highlight the 123 button on the screen, and press OK. Tbaytel Digital TV replaces the alphabet with a number pad. Select the number with the ARROW buttons on your remote control, and press OK to enter it. To switch to the alphabetic keyboard, highlight ABC and press OK.
  4. Select VIEW ALL to see more results if you have scrolled to the right-most displayed selection.

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Updated on Tue, 27 Feb 2024 by Sean Otway

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