What do I need to know about email fraud?

It is important to protect yourself from email fraud that includes spam and phishing emails.

Spam is unsolicited email.

Phishing is a type of spam that is fraudulent.

Phishing messages often advertise products, services, or websites and may be used as a means of defrauding consumers by soliciting sensitive and valuable personal information, such as usernames, passwords, social insurance numbers etc. In many cases these phishing schemes lead consumers to believe that they are responding to a legitimate request from a well-known institution that is requesting that the consumer update their personal information.

If you receive a phishing message attempting to obtain your personal information. We recommend that you do not click on the link.

Tbaytel will never send an email message asking for your personal information.

For more information, please refer to our Email Fraud section.  

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Updated on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 by Sean Otway

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