Why can't I send an email

Troubleshoot the possible reasons why an email may not send.

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to send an email.


Large email in the outbox

Email works as a first in, first out system - what this means is if there is an email that is too large to go out - it can cause subsequent emails to fail to send as well. Check your outbox for outgoing emails that have large file sizes, if there is one - you can move it to your drafts to allow newer emails to go out.

From your drafts you can then look at that email and adjust the size or number of attachments; typically you do not want to send an email larger than 25MB in size. Some 3rd party email hosts cannot accept emails that are larger than 25MB, and a single attachment cannot be larger than 10MB.


Outgoing message limit reached

Tbaytel’s email servers do have sending limits per day for sending emails. These are to help in eliminating accounts that have been compromised from running wild with outgoing email messages from an account. Most customers with personal accounts will not typically require a large amount of messages to go out. If you are sending from an email program or webmail there is a limit of 250 recipients per day.

There is also a maximum number of recipients that can be in a message. Emails will not be sent out if there are more than 50 recipients to the message. If you are sending to people who have a 3rd party email address such as Gmail or Yahoo - they will reject emails that have more than 30 recipients in the list.

Emails will be blocked from sending out for 24 hours - there is no way to lift this timeout for emails; waiting out the time frame is the only thing that can be done.


Too Many Invalid Recipients

In addition to those limits, there is also a limit on the number of invalid (e.g. misspelled) email addresses that a customer can send to within a 24 hour period. This block triggers if the account tries to send email to 15 or more non-existent email addresses.
You will typically get a bounceback error message with the following in it: "550 5.7.1 Too many invalid recipients" when trying to send an email. This means that the email account is currently under a 24 hour sending block.
The only solution is to wait up to 24 hours for the block to expire. If you have not sent many emails out in the last 24 hours - this could be a sign of the account being compromised.


Compromised Email Account

If you believe your account may have been compromised - or if you have found a bunch of emails in your sent box you didn’t send - or are receiving replies to an email you didn’t send the first thing to do is to update your email password.

  1. You can adjust your password via Webmail
  2. Login with your current email address & password
  3. On the left hand side of the screen there are 6 icons, click on the gear
  4. You will now see a list of Preferences
  5. Click Password
    Password requirements:
    • Minimum 15 characters long
    • Contain three of the following:
      • Uppercase
      • Lowercase
      • Number
      • Special Character
  6. Once you have filled in the 3 text boxes click the “Save”
  7. Click Advanced and make sure Forwarding does not have an email address that is not yours in it.
  8. Click on Message Filters and make sure there is no Anonymous filter you didn’t create. Typically they will look like the image below on the right. Click the little trash can next to it and then click Save in the top right corner.
    message filters

Once you update the password your account will be re-secured. You will also need to update the password on any other devices you may have your Tbaytel email address setup on, phone, tablet, computer etc.


Outgoing mail settings

If you are using an email program, sometimes they can get an update to the software or changes on the computer can cause outgoing mail to not be able to be sent.



  1. Open Outlook and select File.
  2. Under Account Information select Account Settings.
  3. Select your Tbaytel account under Email & then click Repair.
  4. Select Server Advanced Settings & click Repair.
  5. Select Outgoing mail
    • Server: mail.tbaytel.net
    • Port: 587
    • Encryption: SSL/TLS
    • My outgoing (SMTP) server requires authentication: Checked
  6. Select Repair
  7. Press the Send/Receive button to attempt sending



  1. Select the Hamburger Menu button in the top right corner
  2. Select Account Settings under Tools
  3. Select Outgoing Server(SMTP)
  4. Select the Edit Button
    • Server Name: mail.tbaytel.net
    • Port: 587
    • Connection Security: SSL/TLS
    • Authentication method: Normal Password
    • Username: your email address
  5. Select Ok
  6. Close the Account Settings window
  7. Try to Send/Receive



  1. Open MacMail & select File
  2. Select Preferences and then Accounts
  3. In the column on the left, select your Tbaytel account
  4. Select Server Settings
  5. Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
    • Username: your email address
    • Password: your email password
    • Hostname: mail.tbaytel.net
    • Automatically manage connection checked
    • If unchecked
    • Port: 587
    • TLS/SSL: checked
    • Authentication: Password
  6. Click Save
  7. Try to Send/Receive

Windows Mail

  1. In the Mail app, select the settings icon.
  2. Select Accounts.
  3. Select the account you want to edit
  4. Click “Change Mailbox and Sync Settings”
  5. Click “Advanced Mailbox Settings”
    • Outgoing mail server: mail.tbaytel.net
    • Outgoing Server Requires Authentication: Checked
    • Use the same username and password for sending email: Checked
    • Require SSL: Checked/Unchecked ( can be checked or unchecked )
  6. Click Done, then click Save
  7. Try to Send & receive.
windows mail

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Updated on Tue, 02 Jul 2024 by Sean Otway

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