How do I add Voicemail-to-Email feature?

Learn how to add voicemail-to-email to your Home Phone service.

In order to add Voicemail-to-Email feature to your home phone plan you must first subscribe to a Tbaytel voicemail plan. If you are already a voicemail subscriber, simply call Tbaytel Customer Care to add the feature to your account. You will be required to provide the email address you would like to have voicemails forwarded to (only one address can be used) and confirm if you would like to keep or delete voicemails in the voicemail system after they have been forwarded to email. If you would like to change the email account moving forward, you will need to call Tbaytel Customer Care and provide an updated email address. Voicemail-to-Email feature is FREE with Enhanced and Premium Home Phone and $3/month for Basic Home Phone customers.

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Updated on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 by Sean Otway

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