Tbaytel's Home Phone plans are designed to let you customize your service with a variety of available features. Choose the features that best suit your needs.
Voicemail is more than an answering service – it’s your personal assistant! Tbaytel voicemail answers your calls and takes messages for you, leaving you the freedom to listen to them anytime, anywhere.
Included FREE with Premium Home Phone
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Enjoy the benefits of simplicity. Manage incoming and outgoing calls, make the most of your time and stay connected.
Up to 10 included FREE features with your plan.
Lets you put a call on hold while you answer a second call.
Can be included as a free feature.
Temporarily forward your incoming calls to any local, long distance or cellular phone number.
Free with VoicemailCan be included as a free feature.
Talk with two people at the same time on one phone line.
Blocks unwanted calls from private numbers.
Only accepts calls from a select list of your choice.
Rejects calls from a select list of your choice.
Control who can reach you and where you can be reached
Prevents your phone number from appearing on other sets with Call Display.
See the number of the person calling you before you answer the phone.
See the name of the person calling you before you answer the phone.
See the name and number of the incoming call while you are on the line.
Quickly and easily return the last phone call you received.
Trace the source of harassing and obscene calls by dialing a simple code.
Program up to 8 phone numbers into a speed dial list for easy dialing by dialing just a two-digit code.
Program up to 30 phone numbers into a speed dial list for easy dialing by dialing just a two-digit code.
Gives you up to two additional phone numbers on a single line with distinctive rings.
It's more than an answering service – it’s your personal assistant! Voicemail answers your calls and takes messages without taking up space. Your messages are password protected, but accessible – you can retrieve them by phone anywhere in the world! Feel free to live your life! Voicemail will take care of your phone.
Receive Call Forwarding free when you sign up for Voicemail
Learn how to use Voicemail
Add Voicemail-to-Email feature to your home phone plan with Tbaytel voicemail service and have your voicemails sent directly to your email inbox as a .WAV file. Great for people on the go. Simply choose any one email address to send voicemails to and let Tbaytel do the rest. Call us today to sign up.
FREE with Enhanced and Premium Home Phone and $3/month for Basic Home Phone customers.
Allows you to put a call on hold while you answer a second call. A tone indicates that there is an incoming call. Plus, you can easily switch between the two calls with complete privacy.
Learn how to use Call Waiting
Enjoy the freedom and the convenience of temporarily redirecting all of your incoming calls to any local, long distance* or wireless phone number.
Learn how to use Call Forwarding
*Long distance charges may apply
Talk with two people at the same time on one phone line. Chat with friends and family in two different Locations*, across town or across the country.
Learn how to use Three-Way Calling
Blocks unwanted calls from private numbers. When Anonymous Call Rejection is activated, your phone will not ring when an incoming private or blocked call is received. Instead, the call will be routed to the message, "We are sorry, the number you have reached is not accepting calls from private numbers. Please hang up, reverse your privacy settings, and try your call again." All other calls will ring through as usual.
Learn how to use Anonymous Call Rejection
Only accept calls from a select list of your choice. Program up to 12 numbers into your phone and when Selective Call Acceptance is activated, your phone will accept only calls from those in your acceptance list. All other callers will receive the message, "We're sorry, the number you have reached is not accepting calls at this time."
Learn how to use Selective Call Acceptance
Reject calls from a select list of your choice. Program up to 12 numbers into your phone and when Selective Call Rejection is activated, your phone will reject only calls from those in your rejection list. Callers on your rejection list will receive the message, "We're sorry, the number you have reached is not accepting calls at this time." All other calls will ring through as usual.
Learn how to use Selective Call Rejection
Control who can reach you and where you can be reached. Selective Call Forwarding allows only the most important calls to be forwarded. Program up to 12 numbers into your phone when Selective Call Forwarding is activated, only those calls from numbers in your forward list will be re-routed to your "forward to" number. All other calls will ring through as usual
Learn how to use Selective Call Forwarding*
Call Blocking is a free service that allows you to prevent your name and telephone number from appearing on other sets equipped with Call Display.
Learn how to use Call Blocking
Call Return will automatically monitor the line for 30 minutes and notify you with a distinctive ring when it is free.
Learn how to use Call Return
See the number of the person calling before you answer the phone.
Learn how to use Call Display Number
See the name of the person calling before you answer the phone.
Learn how to use Call Display Name
Learn how to use Visual Call Waiting
Trace the source of harassing and obscene calls, including blocked calls, by dialing a simple code. Call Trace should only be used in serious situations when you plan to take legal action. Tbaytel will only release call trace information to the police.
Call trace is $5 per successful trace to a maximum of $10 within your monthly billing period.
Learn how to use Call Trace
Program up to 8 phone numbers into a speed dial list for easy dialing by dialing a two-digit code. This includes numbers accessible via direct dialed long distance
Learn how to use Speed Call 8
Program up to 30 phone numbers into a speed dial list for easy dialing by dialing a two-digit code. This includes numbers accessible via direct dialed long distance.
Learn how to use Speed Call 30
Gives you up to two additional phone numbers on a single line with distinctive rings. This feature is added through Customer Care.
Learn how to use Teen Ring
Receive a $100 EverythingCard when you activate a new line, or upgrade to a new device on a 2-year contract and select the Unlimited 200GB or the Unlimited CAN & US 150GB plan.
When you sign up for Tbaytel Internet services and agree to a two year commitment we'll send you a $100 EverythingCard gift card as a special thank you.
Receive $100 worth of additional security equipment of your choice OR a $100 bill credit when purchasing a new security package with a 3-year monitoring term.
Offer ends January 6, 2025. $100 free equipment or bill credit offer applies to new residential customers who purchase a new smart security system with a 36-month monitoring term.
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