Starting March 27, 2023 Mobility customers need to start updating contact lists and other features on their phone. Home Phone customers will need to reprogram functions and features starting November 15, 2023.
Add your area code to all programmed numbers in your telecommunications equipment, including:
- Speed-dial lists
- Telephone options and functions (such as call forwarding, call blocking, call display, etc.)
- Cellular phones and other wireless devices
- Fax machines
- Equipment for the hearing impaired
- Alarm and security systems*
- Other
This list is provided for information purposes only. Complete the list according to your specific needs.
Communicate your 10-digit numbers!
Make sure to include your 10-digit phone number on your personal cheques, stationery, insurance policy, etc.
Remember to always specify your area code whenever you provide your telephone, wireless phone, pager or other numbers.
* Many security systems dial a preprogrammed number in case of emergency. In some cases, the number includes the area code; while in others, it does not. With the introduction of 10-digit local dialing, it is possible that some systems may not connect emergency calls to the monitoring station. If you are a Tbaytel Security customer, Tbaytel will ensure your system is 10-digit ready. If you are with another security provider, you should reach out to confirm your system is 10-digit ready.